Dr Elnazer provides detailed psychiatric and neuropsychiatric reports with: assessments, clinical opinion on severity and prognosis, at exceptional standards to ensure the right outcome is facilitated. The assessment takes into account the individual’s presentation, recovery potential and rehabilitation requirements .
Dr Elnazer has a wide and in-depth experience in assessment of psychiatric conditions and the interactions between physical and psychiatric conditions. Dr Elnazer has an in-depth experience in assessment and treatment of neuropsychiatric conditions including: traumatic brain injury, non traumatic brain injury and functional neurological disorders.
His area of clinical interest and expertise is assessment of disability and management. Dr Elnazer specialises in assessment of disability and prognosis of people following traumatic brain injury, stroke, neurodegenerative illnesses and functional neurological disorders. He has organised practice around the assessment and prognosis of people following brain injury and those with complex neuropsychiatric impairments. This focuses particularly on the condition and future potential for improving their outcomes with rehabilitation.